We’re here to help people stay well and to work in healthy organisations.
Occupational health is based on a simple truth: the work that you do impacts your health and wellbeing, and your health impacts on your ability to perform well and be happy at work.

COVID-19, on top of increased automation, sedentary work and longer working lives, has raised a new set of health challenges that go to the heart of an organisation’s relationship with its employees.
Symbios Health is a doctor-led occupational health provider in Plymouth and the South West. We provide the full range of occupational health services, from statutory medicals such as asbestos, and lead, through to new starter medical screening, management referrals , health and wellbeing advice and more.
Every business is unique. We understand the complex and evolving world the work environment creates and pride ourselves on a detailed understanding of any businesses we work with. We operate locally, with clinical staff who take pride in understanding your businesses and tailoring bespoke solutions.
We understand the complex and evolving world the work environment creates
Now more than ever is the time to get greater impact and value from occupational health. There is a better way, and we are putting it into practice.

We are bringing a fresh approach to Occupational Health in the South West by:
• Exploring your business and the health issues it faces.
• Understanding your requirements and expectations.
• Using named local staff, bringing the right skills, knowledge and expertise to your organisation.

Returning value to your business
Organisations with happier, more engaged employees have better business outcomes.
We work with your organisation to develop the concept of total workforce health. This triad of health protection, health promotion and an early response to medical problems when they arise improves the health and productivity of a workforce, making an organisation greater than the sum of its parts.
Companies with effective health and productivity programs which develop a culture of health report better financial performance.
We aim to build trusted relationships that deliver great value. For us, that means:
- Reliable service, delivered quickly to reduce cost and uncertainty.
- Added value and evidence-based interventions to help shape healthier work.
- Local staff, accountable and available to you.
- An affordable price structure.

Good work is a foundation for physical and mental health, thriving communities and successful economies. We are building a better model for healthier organisations and better lives in Plymouth, Devon, Cornwall and the wider South West.
Our model of occupational health is doctor-led and delivered by small clinical teams. We see more efficient data gathering, fewer recalls and reviews, and more decisive management advice. In the longer term, this is likely to deliver cost savings across an organisation.

Making every contact count
A healthy workplace starts with teams and workplaces that enable people to stay well.
If things go wrong and people become unwell as they inevitably will, we offer early intervention and support to employees and management to whenever possible ensure a safe and healthy return to work at the right time and in the right way.
Significant savings can be made across budgets from reduced sickness absence in the future.
However, the UK population faces an impending health crisis with issues such as obesity, lack of exercise, unhealthy eating and smoking causing a high rate of diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart problems.
There is a strong evidence base that shows addressing these issues within the workplace and empowering employees to make changes to their health behaviour can be effective and lead to huge savings by reducing later sickness absence.

We employ the method of making every contact count by exploring with an employee at every encounter their wishes and needs with regard to making healthy changes and offering advice and support to enable them to do so.
This is all part of our delivery model at no extra cost to the organisation, but which when delivered effectively, leads to significant savings across budgets from reduced sickness absence in the future.

Delivering Occupational Health to you
Here’s an outline of our services but before you decide on how we deliver occupational health to you, we want to get to know you!
For an occupational health service to be most effective, there must be ongoing dialogue and good communication between a company and its occupational health representatives.
For us – this begins when we first make contact, we will explore your needs to ensure that we are a good fit and offer a no-obligation assessment of your occupational health needs and how we might deliver them.
Working together to combine your expertise and knowledge of your workplace.

Examples of our services include:
Pre-placement Medicals for New Starters
Ensuring that new employees are able to perform their proposed role from a medical perspective and that employers are aware of their obligations to new employees under disability legislation and what workplace adjustments could be considered where necessary.
Management Referrals
Offering interventions to support employees and managers with issues related to sickness absence, a healthy return to work, and the management of a health problem at work.
Health Surveillance
We offer the full remit of health surveillance- from audiology through to respiratory – but also asbestos, lead, COSHH and hand arm vibration assessments.
Ill-health Retirement
Support and advice to employees, managers and pension funds when a person is no longer able to continue in their role for health reasons.
Neurodiversity Training
Neurodiversity in the workplace training is something we can offer onsite. One of our qualified clinicians can come to you and train your employees and support you to be a neurodiverse friendly workplace.
Mental Health First Aid At Work
Would you like to be able to support your employees and have a supportive mental health team in the workplace? We can offer MHFAAW on site to your employees.
First Aid At Work
One of our trained clinicians can come on site and train employees to be a First Aider. We also do the annual refreshers too.
Our services are offered through a mix of face-to-face, video and telephone consultations as appropriate.

We also offer a range of other services including:
Emigration & Immigration Medicals
Our doctors include panel registered physicians covering countries including Australia, New Zealand, Canada. We also offer tuberculosis (TB) screening clinics for British nationals overseas.
Working at Height Medical
Working at height brings with it a number of safety critical risk factors that need to be considered in conjunction with a working knowledge of risks associated with health. We have developed safe and effective assessment procedures to help identify and mitigate these risks.
HGV/Group 2 License Medicals
Our clinicians will assess employees against the DVLA group 2 criteria, complete appropriate paperwork and provide guidance and advice as may be necessary.
Case Conferencing
For complex cases particularly those involving prolonged absence it is often essential to involve the occupational health team and we will strive happy to build a relationship with your business and make ourselves available should case conferencing be required.
Work Station & Visual Display Unit Assessment
We will help employers ensure that they are compliant with the health and safety regulations 2002- display screen equipment. We can also carry out workstation ergonomic assessments.
Executive Medicals
Executives often play a critical role in a business, should a medical incident necessitate time out of work this often has a significant consequence. Executive medicals place an emphasis on pre-emptive and proactive health management and are particularly useful for essential staff within a business.
Physiotherapy Assessments
We have our own very experienced and able physiotherapist in house who can offer assessments on site or remote.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
We are able to discuss and assist in drawing up policies to help companies manage the risk of drugs and alcohol within the workplace. We are able to offer point of care instant test kits as well as the more formal chain of custody and laboratory level analysis.
Occupational Hygiene Services & Testing
We have an established partnership with an experienced consultant who can offer the full remit of occupational hygiene services.
Confined Space Medicals
Working in a confined space is associated with a number of significant risks that are not compatible with certain disease profiles. We can help identify these risks and offer practical advice in terms of mitigation or employment solutions.
We offer onsite vaccination clinics to vaccinate all employees for things like hepatitis. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Functional Capacity Assessments
These assessments help us quantify levels of capacity of individuals and are particularly useful when considering adjustments that may be considered for work or ill-health retirement.

We’re here to help
Call us on 0800 999 1824, email hello@symbios.health or fill out the form below
Thank you for reaching out to Symbios Health.
We are a friendly, Dr led team, passionate about providing your company with the best possible Occupational Health Service.
Please provide as much detail as possible and we will endeavour to respond within 3 working days.
If your enquiry is urgent, please don’t hesitate to contact us via telephone on 0800 9991824